path: root/src/history/historymodels.cpp
diff options
authorAndrea Diamantini <>2010-08-19 21:05:08 +0200
committerAndrea Diamantini <>2010-08-19 21:05:08 +0200
commit61b5cf17fcd4312332a933e68d5ddcf45f281b98 (patch)
tree543ac39768f7e4370ed107188ffc40d518da41c2 /src/history/historymodels.cpp
parentMerge branch 'master' of (diff)
parentStupid me, QtWebKit calls addHistoryEntry itself when you let it load a page.. (diff)
Merge branch 'HistoryReview3'
Diffstat (limited to 'src/history/historymodels.cpp')
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 272 deletions
diff --git a/src/history/historymodels.cpp b/src/history/historymodels.cpp
index e68eac42..9da755c5 100644
--- a/src/history/historymodels.cpp
+++ b/src/history/historymodels.cpp
@@ -58,13 +58,13 @@
HistoryModel::HistoryModel(HistoryManager *history, QObject *parent)
: QAbstractTableModel(parent)
- , m_history(history)
+ , m_historyManager(history)
- Q_ASSERT(m_history);
- connect(m_history, SIGNAL(historyReset()), this, SLOT(historyReset()));
- connect(m_history, SIGNAL(entryRemoved(const HistoryItem &)), this, SLOT(historyReset()));
- connect(m_history, SIGNAL(entryAdded(const HistoryItem &)), this, SLOT(entryAdded()));
- connect(m_history, SIGNAL(entryUpdated(int)), this, SLOT(entryUpdated(int)));
+ Q_ASSERT(m_historyManager);
+ connect(m_historyManager, SIGNAL(historyReset()), this, SLOT(historyReset()));
+ connect(m_historyManager, SIGNAL(entryRemoved(const HistoryItem &)), this, SLOT(historyReset()));
+ connect(m_historyManager, SIGNAL(entryAdded(const HistoryItem &)), this, SLOT(entryAdded()));
+ connect(m_historyManager, SIGNAL(entryUpdated(int)), this, SLOT(entryUpdated(int)));
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ QVariant HistoryModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int
QVariant HistoryModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
- QList<HistoryItem> lst = m_history->history();
+ QList<HistoryItem> lst = m_historyManager->history();
if (index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= lst.size())
return QVariant();
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ int HistoryModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
int HistoryModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
- return (parent.isValid()) ? 0 : m_history->history().count();
+ return (parent.isValid()) ? 0 : m_historyManager->history().count();
@@ -175,169 +175,18 @@ bool HistoryModel::removeRows(int row, int count, const QModelIndex &parent)
return false;
int lastRow = row + count - 1;
beginRemoveRows(parent, row, lastRow);
- QList<HistoryItem> lst = m_history->history();
+ QList<HistoryItem> lst = m_historyManager->history();
for (int i = lastRow; i >= row; --i)
- disconnect(m_history, SIGNAL(historyReset()), this, SLOT(historyReset()));
- m_history->setHistory(lst);
- connect(m_history, SIGNAL(historyReset()), this, SLOT(historyReset()));
+ disconnect(m_historyManager, SIGNAL(historyReset()), this, SLOT(historyReset()));
+ m_historyManager->setHistory(lst);
+ connect(m_historyManager, SIGNAL(historyReset()), this, SLOT(historyReset()));
return true;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#define MOVEDROWS 20
- Maps the first bunch of items of the source model to the root
-HistoryMenuModel::HistoryMenuModel(HistoryTreeModel *sourceModel, QObject *parent)
- : QAbstractProxyModel(parent)
- , m_treeModel(sourceModel)
- setSourceModel(sourceModel);
-int HistoryMenuModel::bumpedRows() const
- QModelIndex first = m_treeModel->index(0, 0);
- if (!first.isValid())
- return 0;
- return qMin(m_treeModel->rowCount(first), MOVEDROWS);
-int HistoryMenuModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
- return m_treeModel->columnCount(mapToSource(parent));
-int HistoryMenuModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
- if (parent.column() > 0)
- return 0;
- if (!parent.isValid())
- {
- int folders = sourceModel()->rowCount();
- int bumpedItems = bumpedRows();
- if (bumpedItems <= MOVEDROWS
- && bumpedItems == sourceModel()->rowCount(sourceModel()->index(0, 0)))
- --folders;
- return bumpedItems + folders;
- }
- if (parent.internalId() == -1)
- {
- if (parent.row() < bumpedRows())
- return 0;
- }
- QModelIndex idx = mapToSource(parent);
- int defaultCount = sourceModel()->rowCount(idx);
- if (idx == sourceModel()->index(0, 0))
- return defaultCount - bumpedRows();
- return defaultCount;
-QModelIndex HistoryMenuModel::mapFromSource(const QModelIndex &sourceIndex) const
- // currently not used or autotested
- Q_ASSERT(false);
- int sr = m_treeModel->mapToSource(sourceIndex).row();
- return createIndex(sourceIndex.row(), sourceIndex.column(), sr);
-QModelIndex HistoryMenuModel::mapToSource(const QModelIndex &proxyIndex) const
- if (!proxyIndex.isValid())
- return QModelIndex();
- if (proxyIndex.internalId() == -1)
- {
- int bumpedItems = bumpedRows();
- if (proxyIndex.row() < bumpedItems)
- return m_treeModel->index(proxyIndex.row(), proxyIndex.column(), m_treeModel->index(0, 0));
- if (bumpedItems <= MOVEDROWS && bumpedItems == sourceModel()->rowCount(m_treeModel->index(0, 0)))
- --bumpedItems;
- return m_treeModel->index(proxyIndex.row() - bumpedItems, proxyIndex.column());
- }
- QModelIndex historyIndex = m_treeModel->sourceModel()->index(proxyIndex.internalId(), proxyIndex.column());
- QModelIndex treeIndex = m_treeModel->mapFromSource(historyIndex);
- return treeIndex;
-QModelIndex HistoryMenuModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const
- if (row < 0
- || column < 0 || column >= columnCount(parent)
- || parent.column() > 0)
- return QModelIndex();
- if (!parent.isValid())
- return createIndex(row, column, -1);
- QModelIndex treeIndexParent = mapToSource(parent);
- int bumpedItems = 0;
- if (treeIndexParent == m_treeModel->index(0, 0))
- bumpedItems = bumpedRows();
- QModelIndex treeIndex = m_treeModel->index(row + bumpedItems, column, treeIndexParent);
- QModelIndex historyIndex = m_treeModel->mapToSource(treeIndex);
- int historyRow = historyIndex.row();
- if (historyRow == -1)
- historyRow = treeIndex.row();
- return createIndex(row, column, historyRow);
-QModelIndex HistoryMenuModel::parent(const QModelIndex &index) const
- int offset = index.internalId();
- if (offset == -1 || !index.isValid())
- return QModelIndex();
- QModelIndex historyIndex = m_treeModel->sourceModel()->index(index.internalId(), 0);
- QModelIndex treeIndex = m_treeModel->mapFromSource(historyIndex);
- QModelIndex treeIndexParent = treeIndex.parent();
- int sr = m_treeModel->mapToSource(treeIndexParent).row();
- int bumpedItems = bumpedRows();
- if (bumpedItems <= MOVEDROWS && bumpedItems == sourceModel()->rowCount(sourceModel()->index(0, 0)))
- --bumpedItems;
- return createIndex(bumpedItems + treeIndexParent.row(), treeIndexParent.column(), sr);
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TreeProxyModel::TreeProxyModel(QObject *parent) : QSortFilterProxyModel(parent)
- setSortRole(HistoryModel::DateTimeRole);
- setFilterCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive);
-bool TreeProxyModel::filterAcceptsRow(int source_row, const QModelIndex &source_parent) const
- if (!source_parent.isValid())
- return true;
- return QSortFilterProxyModel::filterAcceptsRow(source_row, source_parent);
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HistoryFilterModel::HistoryFilterModel(QAbstractItemModel *sourceModel, QObject *parent)
@@ -559,114 +408,7 @@ bool HistoryFilterModel::removeRows(int row, int count, const QModelIndex &paren
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-HistoryCompletionModel::HistoryCompletionModel(QObject *parent)
- : QAbstractProxyModel(parent)
-QVariant HistoryCompletionModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
- if (sourceModel()
- && (role == Qt::EditRole || role == Qt::DisplayRole)
- && index.isValid())
- {
- QModelIndex idx = mapToSource(index);
- idx = idx.sibling(idx.row(), 1);
- QString urlString =;
- if (index.row() % 2)
- {
- QUrl url = urlString;
- QString s = url.toString(QUrl::RemoveScheme
- | QUrl::RemoveUserInfo
- | QUrl::StripTrailingSlash);
- return s.mid(2); // strip // from the front
- }
- return urlString;
- }
- return QAbstractProxyModel::data(index, role);
-int HistoryCompletionModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
- return (parent.isValid() || !sourceModel()) ? 0 : sourceModel()->rowCount(parent) * 2;
-int HistoryCompletionModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
- return (parent.isValid()) ? 0 : 1;
-QModelIndex HistoryCompletionModel::mapFromSource(const QModelIndex &sourceIndex) const
- int row = sourceIndex.row() * 2;
- return index(row, sourceIndex.column());
-QModelIndex HistoryCompletionModel::mapToSource(const QModelIndex &proxyIndex) const
- if (!sourceModel())
- return QModelIndex();
- int row = proxyIndex.row() / 2;
- return sourceModel()->index(row, proxyIndex.column());
-QModelIndex HistoryCompletionModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const
- if (row < 0 || row >= rowCount(parent)
- || column < 0 || column >= columnCount(parent))
- return QModelIndex();
- return createIndex(row, column, 0);
-QModelIndex HistoryCompletionModel::parent(const QModelIndex &) const
- return QModelIndex();
-void HistoryCompletionModel::setSourceModel(QAbstractItemModel *newSourceModel)
- if (sourceModel())
- {
- disconnect(sourceModel(), SIGNAL(modelReset()), this, SLOT(sourceReset()));
- disconnect(sourceModel(), SIGNAL(rowsInserted(const QModelIndex &, int, int)),
- this, SLOT(sourceReset()));
- disconnect(sourceModel(), SIGNAL(rowsRemoved(const QModelIndex &, int, int)),
- this, SLOT(sourceReset()));
- }
- QAbstractProxyModel::setSourceModel(newSourceModel);
- if (newSourceModel)
- {
- connect(newSourceModel, SIGNAL(modelReset()), this, SLOT(sourceReset()));
- connect(sourceModel(), SIGNAL(rowsInserted(const QModelIndex &, int, int)),
- this, SLOT(sourceReset()));
- connect(sourceModel(), SIGNAL(rowsRemoved(const QModelIndex &, int, int)),
- this, SLOT(sourceReset()));
- }
- reset();
-void HistoryCompletionModel::sourceReset()
- reset();
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HistoryTreeModel::HistoryTreeModel(QAbstractItemModel *sourceModel, QObject *parent)
@@ -977,3 +719,22 @@ void HistoryTreeModel::sourceRowsRemoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, i
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TreeProxyModel::TreeProxyModel(QObject *parent) : QSortFilterProxyModel(parent)
+ setSortRole(HistoryModel::DateTimeRole);
+ setFilterCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive);
+bool TreeProxyModel::filterAcceptsRow(int source_row, const QModelIndex &source_parent) const
+ if (!source_parent.isValid())
+ return true;
+ return QSortFilterProxyModel::filterAcceptsRow(source_row, source_parent);